Another prophecy fulfilled! “You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12
Kia Ora Whanau and Families
Only six more sleeps until the KidzWay Christmas Concert!! Once again the children are into rehearsal mode in preparation for this event. Come along with your extended families and support your child as they share the Christmas story and their favourite songs for 2020. ☺
From all the staff here at KidzWay; we have enjoyed spending our year with you and your children, “bubbles” and all! We wish you all a happy, refreshing and safe holiday season. We look forward to hearing all about your holiday adventures when we get back together in 2021. Also you are welcome to take your child’s profile book home over the holidays, add comments on their learning and pop in some stories/photos from your holidays.
We look forward to partnering with you again in 2021.
Hari Kirihimete me ngā mihi o te tau houki a koutou katoa
Happy Christmas and New Year to you all.
Ka Kite, Denise (Head Teacher), Josanne, Michelle, Alison, Nicky, Sally, Fiona, Vanessa and Kay (Teachers) and Kath (Administrator)
KidzWay Christmas Concert
WHEN: Wednesday 9 December at 1:30pm
WHERE: Church on the Way, Tapanui Presbyterian Church (11 Sussex St)
PLEASE BRING: A plate to share for afternoon tea in the church hall
We encourage children who do not attend on a Wednesday to join us to take part in the concert. Could these children please be dropped off at KidzWay by 1:15pm so we can all walk up to church as a group. Please note that you are responsible for your child w
hile at the church. If you notice that your child is not enjoying the stage experience, please pop up at any time and take your child back to your seat. Also, please feel free to use the crèche in the church foyer if your child/children become restless and hinder others from hearing the performance.
A shared afternoon tea in the adjoining church hall will follow straight after the concert. Please come and collect your child from the stage and take them through to the hall, get them something to eat, and sit them on the blue tarpaulin. Tea and coffee will be served also. KidzWay will be open after the concert for you to collect your child’s bag and belongings.
We look forward to seeing all of our KidzWay children there.
Expressing Gratitude and Caring for Others
At this time of the year, we always talk to the children about the virtues of generosity and being grateful for all we have. This year the children will be making Christmas truffles, and delivering them to local businesses.
Summer Holidays
To help us with staffing requirements, please let Kath know if your child will be away at any stage over the school holiday period. Many thanks.
Ngahere Explorers Term One 2021
Ngahere Explorers (our nature walks programme) will take place on Mondays for Term 1 next year, starting on Monday 1 February 2021. The 10 oldest Monday four-year-olds will be involved every week, and the next oldest four-year-olds will be the “reserves” in case there is a child absent.
Parents will be placed on a parent-help roster throughout the term – please let Kath know as soon as possible if you have a preference for your parent-help date.
A Couple of Friendly Reminders
Wet Bags: Please send along a suitable named water-proof bag each day in your child’s bag for teachers to use in the event that your child has wet or soiled clothes to send home. KidzWay has waterproof bags available for purchase; $6.50 each.
Name-Tags, Hats and Bags: Please help your child put up their name-tags on both hooks and cubbies, plus ensure they have a named hat on their hook. This helps us so much in managing routines. ☺
Lost Property: Please check the pile of lost property for any of your child’s missing clothes. Any items left at the end of the year will be donated to the Salvation Army.
Thank You…
Barry Proudfoot for being our Pet Day Celebrity Judge.
All the parents who have assisted with Ngahere Explorers this year; we couldn’t run this programme without you.
Keith McKenzie for building our awesome new outdoor mud sink.
Matt Saunders at Tapanui Four Square for donating ingredients for our Christmas truffles.
Dates for your Calendar:
Wednesday 9 December: KidzWay Christmas Concert at 1:30pm, Church on the Way.
Wednesday 23 December: KidzWay closes for 2020 at 1:00pm.
Thursday 24 December: Tapanui Christmas Eve Parade - there will be NO KidzWay float this year.
Monday 18 January 2021: KidzWay opens for 2021 at 8:30am.
Monday 1 February 2021: Ngahere Explorers starts for our 10 oldest Monday four-year-olds.
Monday 8 February 2021: Waitangi Day (observed) - CENTRE CLOSED.
“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.”
Chuck Swindoll