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AbsencesIf your child is going to be absent, you must remember to advise KidzWay in advance when possible or on the day by phoning 2048899.
AccidentsWhilst every precaution is taken to prevent accidents, they do happen. First aid will be administered by a first aid qualified staff member. All incidents are written in our accident book and you will be asked to counter-sign this.
Arrival and DepartureEach child must be accompanied on arrival or departure by a parent or one of the people nominated on the enrolment form. KidzWay must be advised of any change. On arrival your child must be “signed-in” on the daily sign-in sheet located in the foyer and taken to a teacher so they are aware of your child’s presence. Please help your child place their lunchbox and drink bottle on the shelf near the morning tea tables, and hang up their bag, jacket and hat on the hook with their name tag. Also, place their bag in their named cubby-hole. Encouraging your child to perform these jobs develops your child’s care for their belongings and name recognition. At departure time, collect your child’s belongings, notify a staff member of your child’s departure and sign your child out.
ArtworkYour child’s artwork will be placed in the box located near the cubby holes; please check this box regularly. If you are running out of wall space at home, remember it makes great wrapping paper.
CelebrationsYou are welcome to celebrate your child’s birthday at KidzWay. Parents are welcome to provide a birthday cake or fruit to share at morning or afternoon tea, provided they follow the food and eating guidelines from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. For more information see the Ministry of Health's Reducing Food-Related Choking in Children publication Please; no lollies, sweets, nuts or party food. Please notify staff in advance and also give them a full list of ingredients in the food that you are providing. Parents are welcome to come and share in this special time or leave a camera for us to record the celebration for you.
Church on the WayTapanui Presbyterian Church 11 Sussex Street Tapanui Phone 204 8223 Parish Clerk - Jane Stuart • Weekly services are advertised in the Blue Mountain Express • Prayer and support Programmes available: • Mainly Music –10.30am Fridays during school term • Children’s Ministry • Men’s Group • Women’s Fellowship • House Groups Support services including welcome, welfare and food parcels are administered by the church. West Otago Food Bank and Emergency Needs: 027 222 4237 - please leave a message.
CommunicationNewsletters are issued regularly to keep you informed. These will be emailed to yo. If you prefer a paper copy please advise the office administrator who will place these in your named Parent Pocket, located in the foyer. Please read the day-to-day KidzWay news written on the glassboard in the foyer. Reminders of some dates and events are also emailed to parents, posted on our Facebook page and updated on our website. Records of daily care e.g. nappy, sleep, medication etc are kept for your child and you are able to view these at the Centre. The noticeboards in the hallway also display a range of information about our Centre operations and the current programme. Teachers are always available to discuss your child’s learning and development. But please remember that drop-off and pick-up times can be busy. If you prefer, our teachers are happy to organise a time to meet with you. The Head Teacher or a Trust member are also available to discuss any aspect of the operation of the Centre. Trust member contact details are available through the office.
ConcernsKidzWay Early Learning Centre tries to provide you and your children with the best service that we can. Occasionally we get it wrong. If you feel there is something not right, PLEASE, PLEASE, LET US KNOW. We value your concerns because it helps us improve our service. Refer to "Concerns or Complaints" Procedure which is displayed on the hall noticeboard.
Emergency EvacuationsFire, Earthquake and Shelter in Place drills are practiced regularly. Please ensure you are familiar with the evacuation notices hanging on the notice board.
Emergency ClosuresIf weather conditions are marginal (e.g. snow/ice) KidzWay may be required to close. As a guide, if schools are closed or school buses have altered their running, KidzWay is likely to be affected. Please note that even if you can get to or from KidzWay, our staff may not be able to. In the event of KidzWay being closed for snow etc in the morning, we will endeavour to broadcast any closures over the cancellation notices on the Hokonui radio station 94.8 or 95.2FM and send a text to all parents. You may also ring KidzWay (phone 204 8899) from 7:30am and our telephone message will have been changed accordingly.
ExcursionsVisits or excursions outside the Centre provide opportunities for children to have new learning experiences that are fun and safe. The nature of excursions will vary and may include educational, cultural or sporting events. You will be informed in advance of any planned excursions. Permission is sought on the enrolment form for spontaneous walks within the KidzWay Early Learning Centre immediate area. The teacher to child ratio for these will be 1:5.
FoodWe recommend you follow the food and eating guidelines from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. For more information see the Ministry of Health's Reducing Food-Related Choking in Children publication. Ideas for a nutritious lunchbox: If you can, supply your child with a variety of food from the following food groups: Breads and Cereals Milk and Milk Products Lean Meats, Chicken, Seafood, Eggs, Legumes and Seeds Vegetables and Fruit This will mean that your child will be meeting their daily nutritional requirements for their time at KidzWay. Be inspired by the Heart Foundation's Healthy Recipes for Kids. Here are some suggestions for your child’s lunchbox: Breads/Cereals: • Sandwiches, Pita bread, Rolls/buns, Foccacia, Wraps • Bagels, Crumpets, English muffins • Mini Scones, Savoury Muffins, Pikelets • Pasta - Macaroni, Spaghetti • Rice • Pizza Milk/Milk Products: • Sliced or Grated Cheese • Cottage Cheese • Cheese Toasties • Custard • Quiches • Yoghurt • Cheese and Crackers Lean Meats/Chicken/Seafood/Eggs/Legumes/Seeds: • Hummus • Cold Chicken • Boiled Egg • Baked Beans • Tuna Salad Foods which are discouraged: Foods that are high in fat, sugar or salt (for example: pies, chips, sausage rolls) should only be included occasionally in your child’s lunchbox. In addition, we discourage the following foods: instant noodles, sweets, roll-up fruit strips, soft drinks, any highly orange or red coloured foods such as Twisties (these have been associated with hyperactivity).
HealthThe Childcare Regulations prohibit the attendance of any child with any infectious or communicable disease. All vomiting and diarrhoea must have stopped for 48 hours before the child returns to KidzWay (Public Health ruling), to allow time to recover. This includes food poisoning. Children need to be away the first 24 hours after starting a course of antibiotics in order for the medicine to take effect and to ensure there are no reactions. Your child can return to KidzWay 24 hours after having a high temperature (37.5+°C). If we become concerned about your child and are unable to contact you, we may seek medical aid. Parents will be made aware of any potential contact with infectious diseases in the Centre. Please see the Ministry of Health's Infectious Diseases Information and Exclusion List for more information on infectious diseases. We also ask that you keep your child at home when: Your child seems lethargic, has little energy, wants or needs sleep or rest for long periods Your child cries easily, is irritable or in pain Your child constantly wants to be held and comforted Your child has a fever Your child shows symptoms or signs of infection, for example, runny eyes, swollen glands Your child’s nose is running green/yellow mucus, or the child is coughing up green mucus Keeping your child at home when unwell is important to the well-being of your child, other children and the staff. We are required to keep an up-to-date list of children and their immunisation status. Please remember to bring along your Well Child Book upon enrolment and whenever the child has had additional immunisation.
Lost PropertyAny lost property will be held in the Lost Property Box. If it is not claimed by the end of each term, it will be given to the Salvation Army. Please check the box regularly.
MedicalOn enrolment, you will be asked to inform staff of any medical conditions your child may have. A Health Care Plan identifying your child’s health conditions and the support he or she needs will be developed.
Office HoursOur Administrator works 8:00am-1:00pm Monday to Thursday. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s enrolment, account etc please try and see or ring her during these times, otherwise ask the Head Teacher or teaching staff and they will try to help you.
Parent LibraryWe have a small parent library of books and resources available for parents to borrow, located in the Whānau Room.
Policies and ProceduresAll our Policies and Procedures are available for you to look at. They are located in the office so please feel free to ask for the folder to read at the Centre. We regularly review our documents and love to get parents' feedback or suggestions. Please see our noticeboard for the current documents and reviews.
PrivacyChildren’s profile books are stored in the main part of the Centre. We ask that you respect the confidentiality of other families by not reading other children’s profile books without permission from that child’s parents.
Relievers and VolunteersOccasionally we will have relief staff in the Centre. We try to use the same relievers from a pool of relief staff so that the children are settled with the relievers. Please read our noticeboard when you come into the Centre to see who is working each day. Students from Blue Mountain College come in the afternoons to help us tidy up; these students are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Awards.
Sleep ProceduresKidzWay is able to cater for the sleeping needs of children in our dual-purpose sleep and 4-year-old programme room. If your child requires a sleep time, please talk with the Head Teacher or Person Responsible so they can ensure your child's sleep routines can be followed and the correct paperwork and checks can be put in place.
Settling InOne of the most important aspects of leaving your child at the Centre is saying “Good bye”. We suggest speaking positively about the things your child will enjoy doing at the Centre, eg the playdough, duplo, trucks etc. Let your child know you will come in and help them put their belongings away, read a book or do a puzzle then you'll pick them up again at lunch or afternoon tea time. Keeping to your plan helps your child in their settling process. Inform one of your child’s teachers that you are leaving so that they can give your child extra support and involve them in an activity. Give them a hug/kiss and remember to SMILE. It is often difficult for parents to leave their children and we encourage you to call as often as you wish to hear how your child is getting on. It is important to allow your child to show you things of interest, so please allow them time to do so during pick-ups and drop-offs. Feel reassured that we will always contact you if your child finds it difficult to settle.
SmokingSmoking and vaping are prohibited within the Centre and on the Centre grounds. Our Centre is 100% smokefree and vapefree seven days a week.
Social Competence and Positive Behaviour Management ProceduresKidzWay Early Learning Centre seeks to be an environment where children are supported and given guidelines, clear limits and boundaries for acceptable behaviour. It is a place where children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and supported as they work to build positive relationships with others. These procedures are displayed on the hall noticeboard.
SunscreenAs a general rule, sunscreen is applied during term 1 and term 4. Parents apply sunscreen on their child on arrival at the centre and stamp “A” (indicating am) on their hand. Teachers will re-apply sunscreen on your child at lunchtime and use the “P” stamp (indicating pm) to identify that your child has been sun-blocked. If your child requires a certain type of sunscreen, or if you have any other preferences or concerns, please see the Head Teacher. Please ensure you read our current policy on sunscreen, which is displayed in the hallway. Sunscreen provided by KidzWay is charged twice per year; $2.00 at the start of Term 1 and $2.00 at the start of Term 4.
Toilet TrainingIf your child is in the process of toilet training, please feel free to talk to the staff about how you are approaching this, and we will endeavour to follow your routine here at the Centre.
ToysToys should not come to the Centre in case they are damaged, lost or cause conflicts with other children. However, a comfort toy or cloth for rest or sleep time is acceptable.
Vision and Hearing and B4 School ChecksThese are conducted by Public Health South staff at the Centre. Parents of four-year-olds will be notified when their child is scheduled for one of these checks.
Waiting ListsIn order to maintain a fair and transparent system, and satisfy ratios and licensing requirements, this procedure outlines KidzWay's process on how our waiting list is managed. Children are placed on the waiting list once a completed enrolment form is received. Once a place becomes available, the parents of the child at the top of the list are offered the place. If the first person on the waiting list declines, then the place is offered to the next child on the list until the place is filled. Should a child be over four years old and not attending any other childcare service, then at the discretion of the Head Teacher and Administrator, they may be placed at the top of the waiting list. We retain the right to depart from our usual enrolment procedure to accommodate some families and their children. This will be at the discretion of the Head Teacher.
Whānau RoomOur Whānau Room enables parents/caregivers to still remain in the Centre while leaving their child in the care of the teachers. This is particularly helpful if you want to wait until you feel your child is settled before you leave, or if you would like to observe your child at play. Help yourself to tea and coffee from the kitchen and relax in the Whānau Room.
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