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Our Philosophy & Values


Building Foundations for Life


Mission Statement

To operate an Early Learning Centre in Tapanui where all children and their families can access quality care and education in an atmosphere of Christian love and acceptance.



We focus on nurturing warm, supportive and reciprocal relationships between kaiako (teachers) and tamariki (children) and their whānau (family). This forms the basis of our partnership in building foundations for life. 

  • All tamariki, whānau and kaiako strengths, interests and culture are valued, respected and encouraged.

  • We value the importance of excellent education with Christian values reflected in the curriculum.

  • All are invited to participate and grow under the korowai of God and Christianity. Participation is an invitation for all to learn in a safe, trusting and responsive environment. Therefore creating a strong sense of belonging as evident in our environment that is fun and challenging.

  • We aim to work in partnership with local iwi /whānau to grow our bicultural knowledge and capacity while recognising and acknowledging the place of Māori as tangata whenua (people of this land). 

Our Core Values

Resilience, respect, belonging, creativity and curiosity. 

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Contact Us

22-26 Northumberland St

Tapanui 9522, West Otago 

Phone: 03 204 8899


Opening Hours






Public Holidays - Closed

3-week break over Christmas/New Year

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 3:30pm

8:30am - 4:30pm

8:30am - 4:00pm


  • Full day (min. 6 hours)

  • Morning, or

  • Afternoon


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