Activities for Ages and Stages of Child Development
Gross Motor Skills
Throw, kick a ball without direction
Climb up, jump down, bounce
Learn spatial awareness through obstacle courses experiencing over, under, through
Go down a slide
Beginning to use a scooter and be able to use a ride on toy
Fine Motor Skills
Stack, build towers
Claps and opens a door
Developing pincer grip when playing with playdough, puzzles, can hold a pen or crayon when marking or painting
Turn pages
Use a spoon
Wash hands
Enjoy tactile play
Take out and put back in singular puzzle pieces
Speech and Language
Beginning to speak in short sentences saying the whole word
Can ask for help
Sing a song or nursery rhyme with an adult
Strangers can understand most of the child’s words
Social and Emotional Skills
Watches, play alongside others
Enjoys acting out imaginary, family play, imitates adult behaviours in play
Building relationships with teachers
Comprehension Skills
Can match objects
Knows different animals
Parents read books to child, ask questions and helps them deciphering what is happening in the story.
Beginning to follow simple instructions
Self Help Skills
Beginning to learn how to blow nose
Put away toys
*We look forward to partnering with you as your child moves through these ages and stages. These are milestones. Spending time with your children at home you can play, model and encourage, give praise and affection at home to help build these skills and knowledge. Teachers can also add specific milestones into your child’s individual plans here at KidzWay.
Gross Motor Skills
Dig, build, sort
Hop, ride a runner bike
Learning how to swing independently, putting legs up/down
Throw a ball with direction
Beginning to catch a ball
Learn directional language, e.g. can you put the ball in front, behind, under, above etc. of you
Fine Motor Skills
Begin to learn how to hold a pen correctly
Begin to draw shapes and correspond them to real life buildings, vehicles, etc.
Begin to cut, glue and position things on paper
Do puzzles that have 3-5 pieces
Be able to thread big beads
Speech and Language Skills
Talk in 4 or more worded sentences using clear sentence structure and joining words such as and, I, went
Be able to recall an event and talk about it
Learn about rhyming words
Beginning to hold reciprocal conversations
Uses pronouns e.g.: I, you, me, we, they
Social and Emotional Skills
Beginning to make friendships
Ask and wait for a turn
Beginning to make friendships
Growing attention span. Can sit still at one activity for 5-10 mins or more
Can sit still and listen
Understand and follow simple rules and routines
Follow a set or 3 instructions
Play memory games
Spot the differences
Self Help Skills
Blow their own nose
Ask for help
Learning how to dress themselves
How to put shoes on
Look after belongings at day-care
Learning how to wipe their own bottom
Gross Motor Skills
Swing independently
Walk on a line
Balance on one foot
Pushes, pulls, steers
Ride a bike
Can eye track eg follow a ball rolling along the ground
Fine Motor Skills
Draw objects using shape and size
Draw a person with most correct parts
Be able to do puzzles with 10 or more pieces
Can hold a pen correctly
Cut and glue independently
Colour in staying mostly within the lines
Speech and Language Skills
Ask questions, reply to others questions
Be able to be understood by strangers
Social and Emotional Skills
Can ask, wait for a turn and think of others
Is helpful, kind and caring to others
Can concentrate on and finish an activity
Has good self-control. Can sit still and listen
Stays calm when things don’t go their way
Knows shapes and colours
Can count out loud from 1-10
Can retell a story
Can sort objects and categorise them into group eg all the cars go together, what animals live on a farm, what animals live in a zoo
Say alphabet out loud
Recognise name
Self Help Skills
Can independently toilet themselves
Can dress themselves
Can find and put their own shoes on
Can independently blow their nose
Looks after their belonging
Ask for help
Pack and unpack their own bag
Referencing: Poumahaka Kāhui Ako, Critical Capabilities and Gill Connell, Teacher Experience