“Respect for God gives people deep strength. His children have a place of safety and security”
Proverbs: 14:26
Kia Ora Whānau and Families.
We certainly are getting winter this year with all these cold temperatures, as you know this has not been helpful with all the extra colds, flues, coughs, and conjunctivitis infections going through the community. We appreciate you keeping your children at home when they are unwell. We know this may be inconvenient for some, but it does stop the spread to other children and teachers and the risk of closing the centre should teachers or relievers be unwell.

PHOTOS :) Currently we have 52 families attending the centre, but only 19 family photos on our Whānau Tree (: Please feel free to email your family's selfie shot to Manja (admin@kidzway.co.nz) and she will print it off for you. The children love to point out their families to their friends.
Ka Kite, Denise (Head Teacher), Michelle, Alison, Nicky, Sally, Fiona, Vanessa (Teachers) and Manja (Administrator)
Programme and Planning
Over the past months, to help children contribute and treat others fairly, they have been learning about how to be inclusive and a good friend. This has flowed into problem solving, learning about big and small problems as well as managing their own and other’s behaviour and emotions. This is particularly important for those children who head to school before the end of the year. Our values of Respect and Resilience and the Virtue of Courage are being unpacked with the children as they go about their daily learning and interactions.
Alongside this, in promoting how to be good citizens in our world, we are planning visits to the new ambulance station, fire station, and police. (dates to be confirmed)
HAVE YOU NOTICED: The new wooden world map under Denise’s office window? This helps all children to recognise first and foremost the bicultural place that Aotearoa New Zealand is and then the multicultural places represented by a number of KidzWay families. Along with the greetings of Kia ora, Mōrena, Talofa, etc children are also learning the greetings; Salem, Namaste, Ayubowan.

ALSO please have a read (or take a photo) of how to support your child's Oral Language and Literacy - Poster displayed on the foyer counter.
Coming Up:
PJ and Movie Days: Tues 26, Wed 27 and Thurs 28 July. Please let Denise know if you are NOT OK with us serving a second breakfast of toast and/or weetbix for morning tea. You are still welcome to send your own :) Also, do you have any short child-appropriate DVD’s you would be happy to share?
Wig Wednesday/Wacky Hair Days: Tues 6 Sept, Wed 7 Sept, Thurs 8 September in support of the Child Cancer Foundation.
tips for engaging cooperation Tool Box COURSE the “V” of Love
What's your parenting style? Sergeant Major, Parent Coach, Jellyfish, Parent too Busycus!
How often do you hear…”having a baby is the only thing you get without an instruction manual”?
Come and gather practical skills, advice, and tools to pop into your parenting tool box to empower you to be the great parent your child needs you to be.
Please note down your interest and timing that works best for you on the list in our foyer, so we can plan to offer this valuable course to all our parents again soon.
Purchases from Fundraising Money
Have you seen the new play kitchen, play washing machine, the new children's dining tables, wooden world map, dress ups, outdoor water channeling, sand pit toys and mobile book storage unit?
Thanks to all who helped raise funds to enable these purchases!
Ngahere Explorers
Term 3 is not far away and our Ngahere Explorers (Bush Explorers) programme starts again for our ten oldest 4-year-olds.
By now, any parents whose child has not attended Ngahere before will have received an invitation to a short briefing with Denise about the programme, expectations, and requirements from parent help on Wednesday 20th July.
To those who have had children attend Ngahere Explorers in the past, please read over the paperwork that Manja has emailed to you, to refresh you on the “need to knows.” Thank you!
Lantern Festival
Thank-You to those who gave feedback on the Lantern Festival that was run recently. If the numbers in attendance and the look of wonderment on children's faces are anything to go by this is still a very popular event. Having it at KidzWay this year meant that it could still happen as the RSVP’s indicated there would have been too many for the church environment under the current COVID-19 protections. Apologies for not enough pizza to go around. More families turned up than had RSVP and the serving of pizza was not well organised. We will be sure to address these issues next year as we celebrate Jesus Light of the World and look for those Matariki stars.
Procedures Currently Under Review
Coming up shortly to be reviewed will be:
Social Competence and Positive Behaviour Management Procedure
Communication and Consultation Procedure
Enrolment and Settling Procedure
If you find copies of any of these in your parent pocket please review and return to Manja.
A big Thank-You to…
Debra & Nathan Wilson as well as Georgina & Adam McCall and Sonya & Allan Richardson for your generous donations from beef sales through our grazing scheme.
Shaun Bradley for fixing our new wooden wall map to the wall.
Gavin Sanne for assembling the wooden world map and painting the board.
Dates for your Calendar:
Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 & Thursday 28 July: PJ and Movie Days
Wednesday 27 July: Ngahere Explorers starts for term 3
Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 & Thursday 8 September: Wacky Hair Days and Wig Wednesday: gold coin donation in support of the Child Cancer Foundation
“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first”
