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Newsletter No. 2 - May/June 2024

The Golden Rule, right out of the Bible - “Do to others as you would have them do to you”


Kia Ora Whānau and Families,

First of all, I want to acknowledge the passing of our beloved teacher Nicky Horrell. It was a shock for us all, and it will take some time to process and come to terms with Nicky not being with us anymore. She leaves a big hole in our hearts and her skill sets will be missed here at KidzWay.😭 Thank you all for your kindness, those who brought flowers, food, hugs and tears, looks of acknowledgement and encouragement, and also your understanding as we closed on Friday in preparation for Nicky’s funeral. It was lovely to see a number of you and your children there. Love and blessings, as we all process this huge loss. 

Thanks whānau and families for taking a few minutes to read all the updates and info. It's great when we are all on the same page😃

Ka Kite, Denise (Head Teacher), Michelle (Team Leader), Alison (Curriculum Leader), Sally, Fiona, Vanessa  (Teachers), Manja (Administrator)


Parenting ToolBox Course

Last year was the first year no families signed up for the course. So after a quick survey the general consensus was that parents would prefer to have this delivered online. See the link below which takes you straight to the parenting place courses. I strongly recommend these courses, to help you understand your children, parenting styles and what works best, personality types - yours and your childs, how to gain childrens cooperation and many more tips on bringing up great kids. 


The Lantern Festival - Friday 21 June

The children are always excited about this event on our KidzWay calendar.  This year we plan to hold the Lantern Festival on Friday 21 June at Church on the Way (Sussex St Tapanui), starting at 5:30pm (sharp).  This is a lovely family event celebrating Jesus, Light of the World and Matariki.  We will start the evening with a “Potluck - finger food tea” (Thank you,) a song or two, and then the story of “Tārore’s Gift” is told in the dark, lantern-lit church.  We finish the evening with a walk around the block, holding our lanterns shining out into the darkness! You will be home by 7pm. If your child does not have a lantern, please come into the Centre to make one ASAP before the event - full instructions and help are available. PLEASE No tea light candles, longer candles last better!  Also see KidzWay’s entrance hallway for more details. 

PS: This event is for KidzWay-aged children. You are welcome to bring younger/ older siblings along, providing they respect the occasion for our KidzWay children and the guidelines for the evening.


Matariki 27 June 2024 

You are all invited to Mauri Ora Matariki at the West Otago Community Centre. An official welcome will start at 12pm. Please be in the building by 11.50am. Then, you are welcome to join in a shared lunch. KidzWay children will eat from their own lunch boxes. So, please NO heat-ups on that day. Following lunch, from 1pm - 2.15pm, all the schools plus KidzWay children will be performing. Do join us if you can.

On Friday 28 June 2024, KidzWay will be CLOSED for MATARIKI PUBLIC HOLIDAY.  Waikaka School will lead the Matariki native planting and chair placement at Parkhill domain. They would love you to join them.


Coming Up:

PJ and Movie Days: Wed 24 and Thurs 25 July. Bring your children dressed in their named PJ’s and with a named sleeping bag to snuggle into while watching a movie. Please let Denise know if you are NOT OK with us serving a second breakfast of toast and/or weetbix for morning tea. You are still welcome to send your own :) 

Also, do you have any short child-appropriate DVD’s you would be happy to share? 


KidzWay Roll Vacancies

Thanks to those families who have picked up extra days or hours. For now, this has helped, but ongoing we will need to keep flying the KidzWay name to encourage any new families who come into the area. Please keep an eye out and a friendly welcome to these families. Also once your child is settled and you feel they could cope with full days or pick up more days, do let us know. If finances are tight, please speak to Denise Sanne, the Head Teacher, who may be able to assist.


❄️☃️      Snow Procedure and  Illness Procedure

Now that winter is here and the Blueys have had a couple of dustings of snow, we would like to prepare you for the fact that KidzWay may need to close in the event of conditions being dangerous for you or our teachers to get to KidzWay. Often, when schools close we follow suit.

Also, the winter season can be hard on everyone's health. Please update yourselves on KidzWay’s Illness Procedure as well. Many thanks.

Please read through the links to the attached procedures.


General News and Reminders.

  • Winter is here! Please provide your child with a warm named hat and coat and spare named clothes and wet bag in their bags (available at KidzWay.)

  • Mud! The playground is muddy at the moment. It is helpful, if children come in named gumboots. You are welcome to bring slippers for inside.

  • Please send/email a family photo of your whānau/family for our whānau tree at KidzWay. Children love seeing their families up there. We currently have 45 families; lets fill up our whānau tree😀

  • Please ring when your child is going to be ABSENT from KidzWay, and let us know so we can assess staffing needs or even plan spontaneous walks when child numbers are low. Thanks.

  • Early Starts. We know some of you are on a tight schedule in the mornings, but our doors are not officially open until 8.30am. This time is when teachers are paid from and also need to set up before you arrive. Thank you for your consideration of this. If you have to come earlier you will have to stay with your child until 8.30am.

Glad wrap and Nuts, Twisties and cheezels. Please remember to not put these in your child's lunch boxes, as they may cause choking and/or are allergy hazards to children. Bright orange coloured foods have additives that can affect children's behaviour.  Also, water is the only drink we allow for children. Thanks for working with us on this. “A cost $$ effective and mess free tip” send yogurt in lidded/resealable containers.  :)


Thank You…

    ♥️ - To Andy Stuart who has taken down the centre shade sails again.

    ♥️ - To Paul Nicol for fixing the garden shed door and cleaning the guttering. 

    ♥️ - Fiona and Vanessa, Congrats to you both for passing your second to last

          placements. Working, studying and raising families is a big load for anyone. 

                                   Go you 2. We’re all so proud of you 👏👏💐 💐     


Dates for your Calendar:

Friday 21 June: Lantern Festival (5.30pm at Church on the Way) celebrating Jesus light of the world

Thursday 27 June: Mauri Ora Matariki - cultural festival at WOCC (12pm)

Friday 28 June: Matariki Holiday - CENTRE CLOSED. Native Tree Planting @ Park Hill

Wednesday 24 & Thursday 25 July: PJ and Movie Days

Wednesday 24 July: Ngahere Explorers starts for term 3


“How important it is for kids to know that they are not the center of the universe”

Knowing that they are committed to a set of ideals (like the four F’s: Family, Friends, Faith and Freedom) will help your children focus less on themselves and more on others. Ian and Mary Grant Growing Great Families.


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